Sunday, September 8, 2013

There Goes The Neighborhood
When two cultures are first introduced to each other, no matter how similar they are, they will clash. They will clash and there will be conflict because as humans, we have a need to assert our dominance, to let every one else know who's in charge. And in this town, every one wants to be in charge. So we will fight to be in charge, and it's just a matter of who comes out on top. When the explorers came to America, they came to prosper and to be on top, so naturally, when they came across the Indians, they had no plans of sharing their new discoveries. They thought of the Indians as savages because they were not as advanced and they thought of each other as inferior because they thought of themselves as superior. The explorers decided that the land was theirs to destroy and the people were theirs to enslave and they could do whatever they pleased. And so they did.


  1. Nice post :) I was wondering, if there was a possibility that that two cultures didn't clash, what type of outcome do you think would come of it?

  2. I think that that is inpossible because there will always be a battle for authority and a need to be the top of the pecking order. If there were no clashes then we would be living in a Utopian society, where everyone gets along and plays their part. Ultimately, everyone would be the same and we would still be following the rules and regulations of ancient societies, there would be no revolutionaries or inventors. We would be blind to what the world has to offer and we wouldn't even be having this discussion. Thanks for commenting.

  3. Do you agree with what the explorers did to the Indians? Or was it a good thing that they came and basically took over the Indians and enslaved them?

  4. Well obviously I would say that it is a semi good thing because had the explorers not come to America, we would not be where we are today. However, the way that the explorers came to America was poorly executed and many innocent Indian lives were lost. So to answer your question, I do agree but I don't .
